You may have done some yoga in the past or practice it regularly, or perhaps you’ve never done yoga before. if you have done very little or no yoga, this book will help clarify what yoga is in general, and what restorative yoga is in particular. if you are familiar with yoga, this book will offer you a better understanding of what restorative yoga is, and how it is both similar and different from “regular” yoga. You will also learn more about how restorative yoga’s deeply healing benefits can enhance your yoga repertoire. But whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yoga practitioner, you will find that the practice of restorative yoga can help you to live a long and comfortable life in the body you have. its beauty is that everyone can do it, and everyone should. since you only have one body, you might as well treat it in the best way you can!

so just what is restorative yoga and . . .

• is it yoga?
• is it therapy? 
• is it restful?

the answer is yes, yes, yes, and much more! 

Gail Grossman Etkinlikleri

Yaklaşan Etkinlikler Geçmiş Etkinlikler
2025-03-28 2035-03-26
Tarihi temizle

Gail Grossman Etkinlikleri
