Atilla is here to support all beings in unleashing their soul purpose onto the world through workshops, immersions, coaching, and mischief. With his training in tantra, conscious kink, Erotic Blueprints, sacred medicine, dance, and shadow-work, Atilla helps reprogram nervous systems to allow and embody the full range of the ecstatic expression of their life force. He has a PhD in social psychology, and has spent prior lifetimes designing large scale social programs that empower millions to lead fully aligned lives.
Sweetness of truth, ruthlessness of love.
Current channels include:
The Emergence - brotherhood, mentorship & mastermind journeys into Freedom, Love & Purpose.
Dance meets Tantra - immersive retreats exploring the intersection of movement arts, shadow work, kink and contact improvisation.
'Till Death - coaching and immersions for couples and polycules to deep dive into relating as a transformational path.
Soma Kambo - a somatic based joutney into peeling away layers to truth through the sacred medicine of Kambo.
Landing Temples - organizing and facilitating intensives to contribute my spark to the emergent temple culture tapestry.