Aslen Rus olan ve tıp eğitimini de Rusya’da tamamlayan Leonid Soboleff, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde yaşadığı 20 yıl içerisinde alternative terapiler üzerine eğitimler almış ve bu allanda çalışmıştır. Dünyanın çeşitli yerlerinde KranyoSakral Terapi eğitimleri ve bireysel seanslar veren Leonid halen Bali’de yaşamaktadır.

Leonid Soboleff from Tver, the Russian Rasputin behind the kidnapping

Update 28/11/2013
The Court of Appeal in Ghent has ruled again in favour of the father - victim. Soboleff is to pay all court expenses of both cases.

Update 26/10/2013
The new complaint against Leonid Soboleff is ready and will be brought next week to the criminal court of Ghent, Belgium, with the request to finalize his conviction for the abduction of Nikita and Michelle.

Update 24/10/2013
The Court of Appeal of Ghent has come together and promised a court verdict for 28th of November.
The Court's Prosecutor advised the Judge to rule in favour of  
the father and to dismiss again all claims by Leonid Soboleff.

Update 14/10/2013
Surenkova and Soboleff have appeared for The Moscow court of Hamovicheskii rayon to explain why they refuse all contact and visiting rights to the children's father, including their refusal to let grandmother hear her grandchildren over the phone. 
The court will appear again around the end of November in Tver, after finally the address where the accused hide the children, has come to light.

Update 24/09/2013
The Moscow court has sent more letters to get the kidnappers in court but again they do not appear. The judge requests a social report of the father and postpones the session till 14/10.

Update 08/07/2013
Before The Moscow court of Hamovicheskii rayon has appeared Vladislav Kocherin, lawyer of  
the father, whose children were brutally kidnapped by Liudmila Surenkova and Leonid Soboleff. After almost 2 years, both Soboleff and Surenkova still refuse all communication between the father and his family,  and the children they abducted from Belgium. 
Their father has been prevented all attempts to talk with his son and daughter, and thus he requests the Russian court to grant him at least visiting rights as a loving father.
The court has sent several invitations to defendants, but Soboleff and Surenkova did not appear.

Update 10/05/2013
The court in Ghent, Belgium has ruled against Leonid Soboleff.  17/05/2013: Soboleff appeals the court decision.

Update 29/03/2013
Before the court in Ghent appear
 the father and Soboleff's lawyer (Vadim Antychin). 
The Court's Prosecutor advises the Judge to rule in favour of   the lawful father.
Verdict  to be ruled in May.

Update 26/03/ 2012


Leonid Soboleff Etkinlikleri

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Leonid Soboleff Etkinlikleri
