Leticia is a mystic modern day Dakini & Temple Priestess, Somatic Erotic Educator & Bodyworker, Dance Artist, ISTA Organizer and Apprentice seeding the landing of the Temple trainings on the lands of North and Latin America.

She stands for love, freedom, and intoxicating self-love & pleasure, which takes embodiment - for the soul and body to integrate congruently, shaking off limiting beliefs that don't serve us anymore... for reclamation of ones power and landing Spirit into Matter.

Leticia is dedicated to helping humanity embody complete soul-aligment, self trust, sovereignty, se*ual liberation and total integration.

In her personal offerings and mentoring, she is a guide in several areas in alchemizing: se*ual trauma, shame & fear into org**mic pleasure - disempowerment & shadows into untamed creativity, power, confidence - patterns of disconnection into profound pleasures & intimacy w/ self & others.

She is here to support humanity on how to integrate all the sides of the self: the dark & the light, the feminine & the masculine, the mother & the whore and any other of the many polarities that exist to create ones specific flavor of fully embodied human.

Leticia Aravena Etkinlikleri

Yaklaşan Etkinlikler Geçmiş Etkinlikler
2025-03-29 2035-03-27
Tarihi temizle

Leticia Aravena Etkinlikleri

2025-03-29 2035-03-27