
Transcendental Purpose

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Martin Ucik En Kısa Zamanda Size Yanıt Verecektir.
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Transcendental Purpose
Transcendental Purpose

Tarih: 28.01.2023
Yer: Integral Center

**Katılım ve detaylı bilgi için sağ alt köşedeki workshopix mesaj gönder kutusunu kullanabilirsiniz.

Learn and practice how to awaken to, identify, live, and share your transcendental purpose that goes beyond your biological and transformational purpose.
Reap the physical and psychological benefits from living your transformational purpose, such as increased lifespan, meaning, contentment, and love.
Remove psychological blocks that may prevent you from awakening to, identifying, living, and sharing your transcendental purpose.
Align yourself with your natural talents for empathy, intelligence, creativity, or kinesthetic abilities.
Understand how these talents became genetically encoded through the female ***ual selection process of our ancestors and handed down to you through the process of meiosis.
See how your physical and skill development formed the potentials for expressing your natural talents.
Use one or more of the five discovery methods that resonate most with you to identify or clarify your transcendental purpose.
Recognize the depth of expression, level of calling, and stage of maturity of living and sharing your transcendental purpose.
Focus your passion and skills where you can have the greatest impact to make the world a better place.
Combine your strengths for creating more goodness, truth, beauty, and functioning with your soulmate who shares your transcendental purpose in an inter-becoming- based transcendental love relationship.
Participation fee: 100 TL
Low-income participants can contact us and get information about work exchanges or scholarship price information. You can make your payment before the event in Integral Center or via IBAN

16.30-17.00 Meeting and Social Time
17:00-18:00 Meditation and Unconditional Love Circle
18:00-19:30 Topic of the Week
19:30-? Questions, Answer and Discussion

-After our event, you can join us for dinner at Bigchefs.
- We offer tea, coffee, and snacks at our events.
- Our event is in English and is translated into Turkish during the event.

**Katılım ve detaylı bilgi için sağ alt köşedeki workshopix mesaj gönder kutusunu kullanabilirsiniz.


Tarih: 28.01.2023
Yer: Integral Center

**Katılım ve detaylı bilgi için sağ alt köşedeki workshopix mesaj gönder kutusunu kullanabilirsiniz.

Learn and practice how to awaken to, identify, live, and share your transcendental purpose that goes beyond your biological and transformational purpose.
Reap the physical and psychological benefits from living your transformational purpose, such as increased lifespan, meaning, contentment, and love.
Remove psychological blocks that may prevent you from awakening to, identifying, living, and sharing your transcendental purpose.
Align yourself with your natural talents for empathy, intelligence, creativity, or kinesthetic abilities.
Understand how these talents became genetically encoded through the female ***ual selection process of our ancestors and handed down to you through the process of meiosis.
See how your physical and skill development formed the potentials for expressing your natural talents.
Use one or more of the five discovery methods that resonate most with you to identify or clarify your transcendental purpose.
Recognize the depth of expression, level of calling, and stage of maturity of living and sharing your transcendental purpose.
Focus your passion and skills where you can have the greatest impact to make the world a better place.
Combine your strengths for creating more goodness, truth, beauty, and functioning with your soulmate who shares your transcendental purpose in an inter-becoming- based transcendental love relationship.
Participation fee: 100 TL
Low-income participants can contact us and get information about work exchanges or scholarship price information. You can make your payment before the event in Integral Center or via IBAN

16.30-17.00 Meeting and Social Time
17:00-18:00 Meditation and Unconditional Love Circle
18:00-19:30 Topic of the Week
19:30-? Questions, Answer and Discussion

-After our event, you can join us for dinner at Bigchefs.
- We offer tea, coffee, and snacks at our events.
- Our event is in English and is translated into Turkish during the event.

**Katılım ve detaylı bilgi için sağ alt köşedeki workshopix mesaj gönder kutusunu kullanabilirsiniz.

