Milan supports people in safe, loving and respectful environments to deepen their awareness of their life’s unfolding, and nourish self-love and acceptance.

His work emphasizes the relationships we create throughout our lives with our family of origin, in our love relationships, with our children and in our professional and personal lives. He works with individuals and couples in his clinic in Tel-Aviv or via Skype, and leads therapy and personal growth workshops across Europe.


A broad understanding of the human psyche, its cultural and collective conditioning, and a deep understanding of the body's reaction to traumatic events are his keys in working with people. On an even deeper level, Milan’s love and passion to live by truth and remove all obstacles of separation guide his work. 


Love, clarity and respect allow for healing to happen

Healing happens when a deep understanding settles inside us. The understandings or insights occur on the cognitive and body level. Since almost all significant events in our lives also leave an imprint in the form of stuck energy and contractions in the body, the therapeutic process always includes the body on some level. A deep respect for the path others are walking on is a key foundation for creating healing spaces.


Milan's background

His therapeutic training has taken Milan to some substantial understandings about life. The breadth of training is wide and covers counseling, working with the unconscious and the body, and combined they allow for deep understandings and healing to take place. The professional background includes trauma healing (Somatic ExperiencingTM), Family Constellation, bio-energetics and breath therapy, primal and counseling. He also hold a MBA in managerial and organizational leadership from City University, and worked for many years in international settings as a strategy consultant for one of the worlds' leading consulting companies.


The path to therapy

My passion for truthful and meaningful interaction with people has always guided me. Nevertheless it took me some time to settle into the healing field of therapy and led me to many places of working with people in different settings over the course of my life. Leading people through structured processes and experiences started when I was 18 growing up in Germany. There I trained and taught youth to become active leaders. 


Later on in my professional life as a strategy consultant for one of the world's leading business consulting companies, I worked a lot with management teams. The objective here was to create company visions and strategies together with the leadership. This usually happened by taking them through intensive and creative thought processes. The facilitation of all processes was always guided by openness and creativity.


I invite you onto a journey of clarity, of rediscovering and reclaiming essential parts of yourself, of connection within and outside, and of healing.


Milan Karmeli Etkinlikleri

Yaklaşan Etkinlikler Geçmiş Etkinlikler
2025-03-29 2035-03-27
Tarihi temizle

Milan Karmeli Etkinlikleri
