Breathwork & Tantra Facilitatior

Zivile, started her Breathwork journey 5 years ago, following the loss of her mother. At that time, she was suffering from anxiety and panic attacks on a daily basis. She was struggling to fit into “normal” life and feel the happiness and joy of living. Zivile has then discovered Breathwork practices, that helped her to reconnect with herself and discover the true happiness and purpose of life.

Zivile has since changed her life path completely and left 11 years of life and career back in London and moved to Koh Phangan to teach breathwork and help others to reconnect with themselves. She has also been sharing this amazing tool in Dominican Republic, Lithuania, and most recently Thailand.

Zivile combines different techniques of breathwork to guide people back to themselves and reconnect with their true divine energy. She facilitates Tetra breath, So Ham breathwork, Shamanic breathwork and others. Zivile is also facilitating Bio-dev Tantra practices, Yoga, Osho Active meditations, Social meditations and other self-development practices.

Zivile Mickute Etkinlikleri

Yaklaşan Etkinlikler Geçmiş Etkinlikler
2025-03-28 2035-03-26
Tarihi temizle

Zivile Mickute Etkinlikleri
